Concern for the environment is one of the top priorities of the Confederação Brasileira de Caça Submarina (CBCS). Therefore, it was the first spearfishing governing body in Latin America to establish competing rules aiming to nature’s preservation.

Among these rules, it stands out the limitation of type and number of species that are allowed to be caught by each diver. That limit may vary, according to the fishing area where the competition would take place. Also, CBCS determines a minimum weight for each eligible species, according to its maturing age. By doing that, CBCS tries to avoid a possible long term ecological unbalance at the fishing areas.

It is important to point out that these measures were taken by CBCS even before there was any intervention of any environmental organization. This model was so acclaimed by the spearfishing community that organizations all over the globe are copying it.

Social Responsibility

Preserving the environment isn’t CBCS’s only concern. It also seeks to be social responsible at every opportunity. For instances, the governing body determines that fish caught during competitions are donated to charity.

Another example of social responsibility promoted by CBCS will happen during the Mundial FIPSA, which will take place in Cabo Frio, in April. All the boats used by the competitors will be charter from local fishermen, so that they can increase their monthly income.